Friday tomorrow!

Finally its friday tomorrow:) great dosent that feel?!
I can eat candy:D...and i can sleep as long as I want to:)

So this week has been like all the other...M was sick this tuesday so we were at home all day...went for a walk for an hour in the lovely spring weather:)
Yesterday morning i couldnt find my key...I still cant find it and I have noo Idea were it could be.. I came home after the walk with M and didnt go out it has to be here somewherre hmmm....
So after school I had to go to my aunts work and get her key...we went out for lunch that was nice:)..Then i picked my cousins up...played some!! Björn came with cookies;)..and we just chilled talked alot and actually we talked in german;P..For a long time to!!

Then i went to the gym and practised some...and then i went to varpu and looked at a movie:)..We saw "A geishas memoars" But i have to say that the book is sooo much better...I told Varpu and now she wants to read it!!!
yeah then i went home aroun 01.30 and sleept!!

Today im taking my cousins to there gymnastik and then im going to do some workout BBP;P...and then sleep early didint  get that many hours to sleep tonight...but i took a bath today:) was great..I feel very relaxed now!!

Soo yeah tomorrow its school candy muuums and go to varpus birthday party but ill stay sobber..ive been sober the last times we´ve been out here but i drink like 3 beer or something...and this weekend I wont drink anything!!:)...Saturday and sunday its more candy and more workout:)

And now im going to make some food !!

have a great weekend everyone of you!!!


Sunday lovely sunday

Soo now its sunday and tomorrow its school again!!!
i think i only reqad like one more course and then quit cause im really tired of school right now!!!

Yeah wednesday we were out me shayne varpo Giacomo and Morat it was funny danced and soo...but everyone were tired!

This friday me Emelie and Amanda walked arounf Maschee to see som light thingis:P..but when we came there we couldnt see any; we started to walked and after like 500 meters we found one...(not art to me but):P..and then we walked again and 500 meters after that we found something in the tree:P..then we walked home and yeah..i was at home around 23 and sleept:P sooo tired

Saturday i was at home all day...then around 14 i walked to the gym:D (2 km) then i did my work out and it feelt great!!...Around 18 Björn came and picked me up:)..we went to his place and ate pizza buns, and then we went to Robins place were robin and baschti were...he just got finnished with his appartment and it was really nice:)..i liked it...we went to bahnhof  picked Varpo up and then we went to a cocktail bar and then as usuall to the was funny i like hang around with those huys they are so much fun:) i laught and dancec abit:)...a nice evening:)..i had fun

now i have to go cause my cousin wants to show me his big train;P


some pics from yesterday

Sitting her alone and its great!

Last weekend i was in Sweden:) was great stressfull but great:) Friday was I just at home sat with my LOVELY family and just talked my 2 best friends came over Sweetie and Tuuudi:)..we just talked to, i was so tired so i couldnt do anything els:P...And then i went to bed around 23.00...when i was moving the pillow I heard something behind my head..and were to GIFTS;D...That my mum bought to me YAAAY:D..
So i run to her bed and my sister came to:)..I got haircolor (so my hair is black again) and I got socks that goes to my thighs:)..sooooooo cool:)
Then I tried all my mums new clothes that she bought:)..very nice:)

Saturday up early and go to Starport:)..There just one word for that was so great and lovely (its -9 degrees and snow every where) So i kissed starport soo much:)..and ofcourse he kissed me back;)...and then we went out in the woods:)..we werent out to long around 40 minutes:)..but it was great we were there in the woods with the soon shinig on us thrue the trees aaaaa..great..then i went home took a shower ate som nutella bread:)..and then me my sister and my dad went to Solsta to look at my sisters childrens gymnastik competition!! after 15 minutes me and my sister went to Kr.hamn to go to a baptis:)...My swwet cousin Simon:)..we ate ate ate and then around 19.00 we went home started to drink our two bottles of wine:)..lars Björn and Björns cousin came and we had fun:)...i got happy when Lars told me " I think youve been in Germany long enough now...its time for you to come home":)....Then we went to Nöjes my other sister came:)..and i was even more happier:)..i just wanted to stay in sweden:)...and then i meet a crazy guy that tought if he offerd me pizza i would go home with him:P..HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....But NOOO thank you!!

Then sunday..and im here:)

Ive been in school this week new course and all...ive been a little bit ill tough but it feels better now...Yesterday me Shayne varpo Giacomo and Morat were out:) was fun I only drank 3 beers so i was calm and sobber...Shayne tp i think almost everyone were sober:)...danced a bit and talked...then we went to buy pommes hahahaha and the guy who sold the pommes asked were we came from..and when shayne said phillipine he just oo how old you 22 and he just noooo not 22 and then he asked her if she wanted to go to a movie with him;P..and ofcourse i would come to (yeah right) then he gave shayne his number hahaha i laught so hard (he was like 40 and really ugly) but me and Shayne figured out that it was better for her to have his number then he had hers!!!

so yeah now im sitting her sleept around 4 hours tonight but cant bring my self to sleep any going to make some food...then pick M up and then gymnastik then home and play..maybe make some pancakes if C buys milk...then i have to put them to bed today cause  C and K are going to some meeting or whatever!!
and on saturday were going out again but i think ill stay will be me Björn Shayne Sharlie Varpo and maybe some other guys I dont reallt noe..dont really care either as long as we have fun...and we always do!!

Miss you guys in Sweden!!!
and we have lovely weather here in Hannover today the sun is shining and it feels like spring:)


So now i only have school tomorrow and on thursday im off and on friday were going to sweden:D..Yaaay i really want to go now:)
Im flying early i the morning with my aunt uncle and two cousins:)..My cousin is really exhited to fly with me:)

Today ive been in school and me and Shayne are so bored:P we just sit there shayne is painting and im doing my homework;P...after class we went and ate and then i picked my cousin up went to music and now im home...but im going to go again in like 5 minutes to the gym to pay and practise i think im going to join the pilates course today:)

On saturday i was out me and Björn and Sharlie came it was fun ;P

And on Saturday our neighbour called and wonder if we should go out running yeah shure i said (half asleep and a bit hangover) but then she said or we can walk we dont have to run yeah shure!!
about 13.00 she came and then she said heey you wanna take the bikes instead:P
So we biked around for an hour it feelt good...i think im going to do that every saturday and sunday morning now so i wont get so tired around 12 every weekend:P..cause it feelt good:)
After that my neighbour came down to us with her girl and they played with my cousins and than we ate som cookies;P..your aloud to do that when youve been biking so much as we did:)

And a positive thing is that i talked german for an hour:)..i only used one english word at the whole time cause i didnt now what baptise (cant spell) was called in german:)..but she understood..i accuallt explained it in german:D  so plus points for me!!

O my its late have to go now get som money and then to the gym!!

Seee yaaa


Im soo tired theese days dont know why i dont have any energy it sucks....but i guess its because im still a little bit sick and yeah!!!

So today i might go out with Shayne and Sharlie it depends if they can they will call me later...but Shayne was a bit sick today in school so i dont know!!!
But it would be fun!

Next weekend were going to Karlstad its going to be fun...i hope i meet my sweetie and Tuuudi:)...and some more friends maybe if theres any time,,,

im to tired to write blogg see nooo energy at all i i want to do is go to bed boring i know:P and i could go to the gym but nooo


Weekend and stuff

This weekend was good...i was at the dax again on friday!And yesterday i was at a fotball game it was great hannover 69 wann me and Baschti were so happy:D

Then we went to fun park in t he night but we went home early you cant be sober at that club so me and björn didnt have that much fun;P

And today i feel sick blä so im going to bed with emelie soon see a movie or something!!!

but a test!!

Every girl has to do this test
för du vill väl aldrig stå utan kärleken.. ?

About you

Your name : Denise Viktoria Ferm Lange
Born : 14 Juli 1987
Live:  Hannover
Nicknames : Nizen, Nisse, DenisePenis, Dennis
Hobbys: Judo, Wakeboard, Snowboard, surfa, dykning, party, mina vänner
Friends: Hanna, Ähmm, My darling, G
School : Lindesskolan

Did you during this week

Miss someone : Yes really much
Regreat something: Yes i have
Lied: hahaha yeah sure...a withe lie for my cousins
Betraid someone: no
Feelt like you suck: No
Cried: Yes
Laught: yes really much
Been sick: Im sick now
Been in another country: I am now so yeah
Meet someone that you talked to on the computer: Yes


Do you crie alot : You wouldnt belive it but yes i do
Laugh alot: hahaha  yes i do always
How do you feel right now: Tired, ive been hit by a train
How have you been feeling this last months: mixed feelings..both good and bad
Have you been thinking of suicide?: Noo
Do you have any secrets for your parents? Yeah i think so


Have you found love this month: No I dont care about that crap
Easy to fall inlove: No i dont trust guys
Are you inloved in love: No i hate that things
Do you belive in forever: Noooo
Are you inloved right now: Nooo
If yes: who: me?
How many people have you been togheter with this month: No one
How many guys have you made out with this month: hahah hmm 3 hihi;)
Did you got hurt from love: Yeah really bad
Did you get happy from love?: Yeah really happy...a while ago though
What kind of guys do you like: The once who make me feel happy and safe
Should a guy be cute or hot: Cute
Should a guy be long or short: Just so he is that long so he can put his chin on my head
should he be blond or brunett?: dont really care
Do you get many guys?: hehe yeah i guess they are so easy to get..just shake your ass and theyre all over you;)

Your looks

Eyecolor: Blue
Long or short hair: in the middle
handsome or ugly: The most handsome girl in german anyway HAHA;)
Happy over your looks?: Yeah i guess
Do people tell you that your pretty, beautiful: Yeah
or the opposite?: Noooo
have anyone told you that you should be a model!?!: hahah noo maybe a pornoacter:p
Do you have long fingernails?!: Yeah some of them are long
Do you where make up?!: When im going out
WHY? Arent you beautiful without?: yeah but its fun to make you look even cuter when your going out;)


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