A Day Of

So Had the day of..feels great..I sleept til 11.30 the i went up watch tv and then i sat and had a chat with Anni..Then i went to the store to by sum bread, cappuchino, ries and sum money for my phone...and that was it..not much to spend i though but when i came home I had 3 new pants a pair of trosers and a car full of gas and i spend 90 PUNDS:(...gosh...dont now what happend but i just went all in at ASDA today:P Thank godness that I didnt remember to buy new shoes:P

Yesterday I worked as  usuall...and in the evening me Annie and Owen went to the movies..we saw " Alica in wonderland" I guess the movie was ok..but Im not really a fan of does movies...so I just sat there ate sum popcorn and tried not to think about how much I needed to go to the toilet:P

Yeah after the movie i was starving since me andAnnie didnt have time to make a real dinner so we went around to find a place that were open..but no luck there..so we went home..annie went straight to bed and i saw another movie...

And tmrw its work again and next week is going to be alot of work:/..but i can take it!!

My dad sended my judo outfit today:)..So in the next couple of days im gonna try fins a judoclub somewhere so i can go to practise:)..WOuld be so great was a while ago now!!

Well well have to start making dinner ready for my Älschkling;)

Goodnight bye


Jag tänkte ta tag i mig själv och börja skriva lite mer igen....va ju ett tag sen..vet inte varför men jag antar att de går i perioder sånt här..

Jaja fortfarande i England..äckligt trött må jag säga ställde klockan på 08.00 imorse och skulle gå ut men då kom Annika och sa att jag kunde va ledig till 14.00 så jag flög ner i sängen igen och sov till tolv och e fortfarande astrött..jag vet de e för att jag sover för mkt men vafan?!
iaf 13.15 ska jag gå ut och städa hos hönorna sen blire in och se vad som ska göras antagligen kommer lillen ropa på mig att jag måste hjälpa honom med datorn;P..mkt viktigt sånt där..

Jaja...Kan inte februari bara ta och ta slut??? jag tycker den här månaden har hållt på jävligt mkt längre än 24 dagar..gaaaah..jag hatar februari längsta månaden som finns...jag vill att de ska bli mars sen april sen maj sen juni och juli och sommar och varmt sen kan de bli november och då kan jag åka hem igen:)...Jag längtar hem faktiskt av många olika skäl..

hmm jag vet inte riktigt vad jag ska skriva...har iaf satt på ugnen så att lasagnen som jag gjorde igår ska bli varm igen...Annika kommer nog in snart med och ska ha lunch...men undra när hon brukar komma nu vid denna tid...mjaja

neop nu vet jag faktiskt inte vad jag ska skirva mer..jag e orkelös ont överallt speciellt i huvudet jag ahr haft ont i huvudet varje dag ett tag nu...ujuj



Nu va det allt ett bra tag sen jag skrev här... men jag skriver mer på resedagboken nu..

Jaa jag e iaf i England nu och jobbar..det går bra och det är roligt..iaf mestadels av tiden;P..Idag hade jag en fajt emd en 8åring och det va ju inte så kul..vad ungar kan tjäffta nu för tiden..när jag va liten satt man fan inte och tjäffta emot mot någon som va äldre nje nej!!

jaa annars då?!

De e la som vanligt..

den 9e februari e det hela 6 månader sen..shiiit vem trodde de liksom..


Florida Key West!

aop efter mkt bilresande ar vi i keywest!!!

Vi har ju bott i Fort myers Cape Coral i ett hus ett par dagar..men efter 4 natter kande vi att det va dax att aka vidare..sa forst akte vi till Everglades och akte airboat (lr va det heter) och kollade alligatorer och sant dar:) mkt trevligt...

Sen fortsatte farden mot Key Largo...dar va det jatte fint..det va som att typ stanna vid vagen och bakom hotellet som lag vid vagen lag stranden och en del barer mkt najs mkt najs!!..Jag ville aka jetski men jag gjorde det aldrig:P

Sen igar kom vi hit..mkt fint har bast hitills maste jag saga...lite jag over det har stallet:P..det ar langa gator mkt hav mkt dykning maaanga batar (stooora oxa) mkt barer:P...Fast ska jag va arlig mot er alla sa har jag faktiskt bara druckit 7 ol pa de har 8 dagarna som jag varit har:) avvajnig sager jag:P...och de 7 olen borjade jag dricka igar...
For nu kanner mig on kanslan och suget efetr en kall ol i denna varme..!!

For varmt e det vill jag lova 35 grader lr mer hela tiden...och det enda sattet att svalka sig ar att ga in i en affar med manga flaktar och ac...for vattnet e nastan lika varmt som luften sa dar gar det inte att svalka sig!!

Idag ska jaga dyka:D kommer bli mega kul va ju ett tag sen jag gjorde det!!...Och imrn aker vi harifran da aker vi ill Miami:) nice nice dar blir det shopping for mig och mamma!!..Sen till cape coral och huset och efter de en svang till Orlando!!..sen cape coral och sen hem......

sa dar nu har ni ju fatt hpra i princip allt vi hallt pa med...kanske missat en del men>:P


Florida om några timmar

Jaop då va det dax att ut och åka igen då...En kan ju inte va i Karlstad för länge hlr...Syrran skjutsar till flyplatsen imorse..sen åker vi från sthlm vid 13.00:)

Kommer bli skit kul har ju aldrig vart i Florida:)..det blir att bo i fort mayers..en väng till key west och orlando..sen lite sevärdigheter med antar jag;P..sånt där man måste göra ni vet (sånt jag brukar göra sista dagen)
Blir mycket dykning och mycket surfning...mycket god fet mat åå jaa:)

Kan ju unna mig det eftersom att jag kommer börja träna på gym den 1 oktober med syrran...huhu kommer bli värsta hurtiga..och när jag kommer hem ska jag söka in till en massa skolor..och kanske?! ta tag i livet....å i mars då ere bye bye sweden igen men för en längre period med systra min:)..USA och Sydamerika..låter väl inte helt fel..gå lite maccu picho;)

jaja något mer att säga??? Ju längre jag e hemma i Karlstad märker jag hur mycket jag saknar Hannover och alla mina vänner där..jag bodde ju ändå där i 1 år liksom och träffa världens underbaraste..och där gick inget snett..men här kan ju tydligen vad som helst hända:P Vet inte hur jag lyckas men;P..Jag saknar oxå de gamla goda tiderna..jag skulle vilja vrida tillbaks klockantyp en 4 5 år när allt va bra och kul och man behövde inte tänka på framtiden...jag har nog en nostalgi som går igenom min kropp just nu för jag vill träffa alla gamla vänner på samma gång;P..inte frö de går men de kommer de kommer;P

Jaa finns väl inget mer att säga?!..Alla får ha det så bra i sverige medans jag e borta..och jag vet att festerna inte kommer va i samma stuk som när jag e där men ni får hålla ut jag kommer tillbaks;)..om jag itne täffar en snygg surfer dude och stannar kvar i Florida;P..säkert för att de skulle hända;)

yes yes...hare gött

 Miss u dudes more then ever!!!

uttråkad och ensam hemma

1. Hur gammal är du om tio år? 31 (lr ja 32 ungefär)
2. Vem var den sista du träffade?  Min mosters man när han kom in i mitt rum och sa hejdå till mig..
3. Hur lång är du? 159
4. Vilken var den senaste film du sett? sean of the dead (på tyska HAHA)
5. Vem ringde du senast? Det va mormor..vi ringde om varann hela tiden:P
6. Hur löd ditt senaste sms och till vem? som jag skickade?! "Hej jag är uttråkad kan du inte ringa hit jag e ensam hemma och jätte uttråkad" till mamma..Senaste jag fick va från baba "party party hunny bunny"
7. Vad är dagens planer? Skulle egentligen leka och umgås med mina kusiner moster och hennes man men de e borta..så jag har läst städat och sen ikväll ska jag till Shayne och Sharlie
8. Föredrar du att ringa eller skicka sms? Sms
9. Är dina föräldrar gifta, sambos eller skilda? Gifta i 17 år
10. När såg du senast din mamma? Min mamma:(..har jag inte sett sen påsk:(..men hon kommer om 2 veckor:D
11. Vilken ögonfärg har du? Vackert blåa!
12. När vaknade du idag? Första gånge 07.10 för jag glömt stänga av ringklockan, sen 07.39 av min moster som sa att jag inte behövde följa med och lämna bilen för alla va vakna sen av mig själv 08.30 då gick jag upp
13. Har du någon gång hittat en katt? Hmm skum fråga..jag ser ju katter lite då och då
14. Vilken är din favoritplats? under ytan i något tropiskt land och kolla alla firrar
15. Vilken plats föredrar du minst? hmm skolan?!..sjukhus u name it
16. Var tror du att du befinner dig om tio år? Antingen i ett fint hus på landet:)..lr utomlands någonstans
17. Vad skrämde dig som barn? Smådjur äckligt spindlar tror jag bestämt
18. Vem fick dig att skratta senast? Filmen sean of the dead..Annars va det nog R när han sa något roligt:P
19. Är du för ung för att äga vinylskivor? Nej men jag har inga
20. Har du stationär eller bärbar dator? bärbar
21. Sover du med eller utan kläder på dig? Både och..beror ju på om man e ensam lr inte;)
22. Hur många kuddar har du i sängen? I sverige 2 här i tyskland e kuddarna så jävla stora att man bara behöver en
23. Hur många landskap har du bott i? 2
24. Har du någon gång spytt på fyllan? Jeop de har jag allt:P
25. Föredrar du skor, strumpor eller barfota? Strumpor i skorna
26. Är du social? Ja
27. Vilken är din favoritglass? Krossad choklad
28. Vad skulle du göra om du vann en miljon? Dela med mig till familjen..bjuda på en resa någonstans och spara
29. Tycker du om kinamat? Gööör gött
30. Tycker du om kaffe? Nej usch va äckligt
31. Vad dricker du till frukost? Vatten..eller varm oboy mmm yummie lr juice apelsin juice
32. Sover du på någon särskild sida? Nää jag snurrar runt som bara den när jag somnar men mest blir de nog höger
33. Kan du spela poker? Jajemensan
34. Tycker du om att mysa? Jaaa...verkligen
35. Är du en beroendemänniska? Nää har väldigt svårt för att bli beroende av något
36. Känner du någon med samma födelsedag som din? jaop inte samma år men jaop..
37. Vill du ha barn? Ja massa
38. Kan du några andra språk än svenska? Ja engelska och Tyska...sen småfraser på andra språk med
39. Har du någonsin åkt ambulans? Nej
40. Föredrar du havet eller en pool? Havet om jag e under ytan:)
41. Vad spenderar du helst pengar på? Öl:P..ibland kläder men helst sparar jag
42. Äger du dyra smycken? Ja
43. Har du någon gång testat narkotika? Nej.
44. Vad var det senaste du stoppade i munnen? Ett chokladkex:D
45. Vem är den roligaste människan du känner? Hmm finns många...Far min e jävligt rolig vi har samma humor..självklart favvo magnus han e ju en pärla..och Daniel finns de någon gång vi inte skrattar tillsammans?!
46. Välj ett ärr på din kropp? Jag har två stora..på halsen och armbågen
47. Vad har du för ringsignal? vibration..
48. Har du kvar klädesplagg sen du var liten? Jaop på vinden
49. Flirtar du mycket? hahah händer väl på fyllan och villan men annars håller jag mig borta från sånt
50. Vart togs din profilbild för din blogg? Ingen aning hemma kanske?!
51. Kan du kolla oljan på bilen? Självklart de får jag jämt göra hemma
52. Har du fått fortkörningsböter? Nej
53. Vilken var den senaste bok du läste? jag läser just nu "när mörkret faller"
54. Läser du dagstidningen? Inte här i tyskland bara ibland..och hemma gör jag det 
55. Prenumererar du på någon veckotidning? Ja veckorevyn mest för korsorden:P
56. Dansar du i bilen? Nej..men jag headbangar rätt ofta:P
57. Vilken radiostation lyssnade du på senast? Någon tysk som jag inte har en aning om vad den heter:P

Hurricane 2009

Eftersom jag åker hem snart så tänker jag börja skriva på svenska igen...jag orkar faktiskt inte skriva på engelska mer:P

Hurricane va förra helgen:)..strålande..började med en tåg resa för min del till schwarmstedt sen åkte vi bil till festivlaen och drack öl:)
Jag och Daniel och peter ställde upp tälten och jagf ick sova med all öl (hela 6 flak) ni kan ju gissa hur bra jag mådde:D..kunde bara sträcka ut handen till höger och hade en öl i handen på morgonen;)...nappflaska de;)
Vi dingla runt hela fredagen va inne på festival området åt så ini helvete mkt att Daniel va tvungen att spy på morgonen efter..2 ost bretzel två portioner pommes och en pizza:D:P..och inte vänta en timme utan allt på en gång FYFAN...vi gjorde dirty dancing men misslyckades eftersom Daniel tramp ner i ett håll och jag föll med huvudet före i backen:P...va inne på ett disco en kort sväng sen sova!!
Vaknade vid sex och började dricka öl satt ute hela dagen....lördagen bjöd på massa bra band så vi va inne och kolla..deras pogo e däremot galen så jag ville inte in..så jag stod med några andra grabbar och drack sangria från1 meters sugrör och vin direkt ur tetrapaketet:P..va skapligt full och kunde inte hitta Daniel:P..så jag vandra lite tills jag ringde honom..till slut hittade vi varann och jag gick hem med Daniel och Daniel (lr ja till töltet)...jag och Daniel B började bråka hahaha:P..slängde ner varann i leran och kleta lera överallt..
kan ju tala om att vi båda två va skapligt leriga efter det:P..men kul va det:P

Framåt kvällen frös jag som en tok och tog på mig tre tjocktröjor hade fått solsting..och huttrade och drack öl:P..näsan gjorde skapligt ont men jag stog i ändå..gick på samma klubb som dagen innan och ölen forsades runt oss och jag va full:P
spelade frisbee där inne sprang runt som galningar från höger till vänster för att få tag i frisbeen runt allt folk:P
Mkt folk där inne som mamn kände och jaa kul vare:P
Sen vare sov time !!

Nästa dag drack jag bara 2 öl:P..men vi va inne och kollade på band jag hängde med Xenia och sen åkte vi hem!!

Helt klart en lyckad och jävligt roligt helg:)..ska lätt dit nästa år med:)

men nu e det bara 16 dagar kvar tills jag åker hem:)..ska bli skönt att komma hem men ändå tråkigt..eftersom jag kommer sakna alla här så himla mkt!!

idag ska jag bara va hemma och slöa...imrn ska jag träffa shayne och sharlie förhoppningsvis kommer Steffie oxå:)
och nästa helg ere hejdå fest med Basti och alla!!

hare gött!!

Jag och Daniel i våra bästa tider;)

Jag, Daniel och Daniel på G

Only 5 weeks to go!

yes in 5 weeks im going home again...its feels fun wierd sad great yeah...:P im going to miss everyone here that i got to know:)

The last days i havent done so much...worked worked...last week i was a bit sick!!...
And saturday til monday i was alone home so on saturday Steffi Sharlie and Emelie was here we ate tacos..and drank some..then we went to Dax as usuall and the to Glocksee:P
I was tired around 4 i wanted to go home but Sharlie and her cousin and some other people told me to stay...so i stayed...and didnt come home until 11.20:P..hahaha we sat outside Glocksee from 07.00 til 09.00 and then walked to bahnhof:P..crazy...sleept all sunday, Sharlie wanted me to go to this other party but i stayed at home..me and Varpu saw a movie..and then sleept!!

Yesterday I was supposed to go to judo but since the schools were on holiday it wasnt any judo..so instead Xenia called me and asked if i wanted to go to Glocksee and see this band from Denmark play:)
So i went with them..it was fun drank some beer and listened to the music that was good...but one song was really wierd haha:P..
And at 00.45 we went home..but first i had to talk with the guys from the band since they were from Denmark:)..it was funny!!!
then we went home:)...

And today Daniel is coming here and were going to the zoo with my cousins:) thats going to be fun:)

but now im talking to sharlie in the fun so have to go:) she talkes about her cousin he is nice!!


Bat attack

Soo this weekend ive been taking it easy!!!

Friday I was home all evening but around 21.00 i went to Empelde to meet Steffi we were at her place and jst chilled..talked alot about everything and it was so great!!!..just talk and yeah!

Saturday i went up pretty early...me my aunt and my cousins went to the scwimmbad and after that i went to the gym with Varpu to do some bauchworkout...and at 20.00 i meet a friend and we went to the movies:)..we saw Duplicity with julia Roberts...(in German) but it was a good movie:)..i liked it!!!

Came home looked at the ending of eurovision with my aunt and her husband then went to bed to sleep...but couldnt!!

After a while they started to turn on the light in the hall ( like 15 times and the light lights up my room so cant sleep) and after a while i heard my aunt scream?!..Hööö??!? whats up i thought but didnt go up thought it was something with my cousins....after a while my cousin screamd a bit...and then they turned the light of and it was quiet!!...hmmm

When i woke up this morning my aunt told me what was up:P
They had heard a wierd noice in there room and turned the light on...and it was something blach flying against my aunt:P..she was hiding under the blanket
then they went out in the hall...and there it was a BAT;P...it was flying to my aunt again and that was when she screamd:P..And then she was hiding in the kitchen..and the Bat flue in to a box and´K took it out on the balcony:P...hahahahaha
my god thank god i didnt go up yesterday and ask what was wrong:P
this morning anyway the bat was gone...but jeeeesus...i sont want a bat to come in to my room..so im glad im sleeping with closed door and closed window (not always but lately);P



The days goes by so fast:P
I never have time to write..or maybe its just that i dont have anything to write:p

Last weekend me Shayne and Sharlie went to Paris:)..it was great..in the bus we started to talk with to guys who were nice so when we came to paris...we five went around the streets and looked everywhere (or not:P)
We went to sacrle curl (or wathever its called) went around the shops and yeah drank beer 09.00 in the morning:P...

In the evening we went with a boat around the things you should see...so we say notre dame and eiffel tower and museum lovre and other things..really nice sitting on the boat drinking champange:)
After that i got crazy and walked around and screamed and walked funny (there is a movie on it really funny) we went to the eiffeltower but the line was so long so we didnt go up....but we tuched it:P
Then we were supposed to go home..and I had to figgur out how the bahns were going;P..the only thing is that i didnt now what the street we lived at was called;P..but a girl called B (Boram from Korea who lived in our room) new..so after a while i figured it out and we came home:)
i started to dance over the street..haha and a france guy came and started to dance with me..after 10 sec there were 3 guys around me and wanted to dance:P..I got scared so i ran off screaming NOOOO;P
And Sharlie was laughing so hard at me:P

Yeah and on sunday we went to versailles saw the castle and went around there and then home to Germnay there you finally understand people:P

And this week i havent done much...practised yesterday and today and worked alot:)...and its nice weather outside now so im thinking of maybe getting a better tan but its so windie so i dont now its a bit cold:P

well well...im going to the festival:D...yaaay its going to be crazy but alot of fun:)



So Yesterday it was Millencolin:)
And it was GREAT

Haha it was really funny..Daniel and his friends picked me up here at home...then they gave me beer and then we went to the concert!
We drank some beer there to (great focourse..concert without beer?dont think so)...I had to go to the toilett but ofcourse i couldnt find it:P
So i asked a guy and he showed me...than he asked if i found it and were i come from;P

And then it was showtime...Oh MY GOD..daniel said to me to be ready for some "pogo" like buffing and so...and i was like yeah ofcourse its always a bit buffing and stuff att concerts...
And then we went in AND OMFG people flew everywhere jumping around and stuff..The first thing that happend was that a Beer flew over us so i was soaked and Daniel too...Then he disepeared...he started to jump and e flew away...A guy lost his shoe and bumped it in my face..(AOO)...then there were people jumping at my feet so i almost lost my shoes (another girl who was there with  us lost her shoe but a guy found it for her)..and my shoe broke :P..so i went to a courner in the front where it was calm:P
Daniel found me somethimes and jumped around hahaha it was incaine..i think i saw 5 people being carried to the scene:P...and 10 people who feel on the dance floor:P..

In the end i found one of the guys and then the rests...they were totally soaked:P...we took another beer and they drove me home:)..came home around 00.30 and was sooo tired this morning!!

but it was totally worth it!!

Now i think im going woth them to a festival this june that would be AWESOME:D


The weekend was great:)

I just worked in the day, then i was so tired so i just chilled at home.. Emelie came and we watched a movie "Spirit" really good animated movie:)..we ate some chips and drank coke (i know i shouldnt but i wanted it sooo bad"..and yeah it was great! Then she went home and i went to bed...totally dead

Woke up around 11.00 I was alone at home and everything was quiet (GREAT)..and around 13 my cousins and everyone came home...then i hung ut with them for a while..and around 15.00 i went to lister platz to meet Varpu and go to the gym:) bauch workout was on the scedule this day and it feelt great..after that we went to eat pizza and then Ice cream..my good italian icecream must be the best ever::D....We went to Shayne and Sharlie who is alone at home cause there aunt is in Casablanca!...We just chilled! Me and Sharlie (who are to cool once) just talked and sat by the computer while the Bandgeeks (varpu and Shayne) played piano...Around 00.00 Björn said that he Basti and Robin were going to the city and that i should come and say hey!...I thought that it would be fun but i didnt want to go out..but in the end we ended up at Agostea with everyone...and it was fun hahahah:)..we drank some beers (not that much cause i didnt feel like it..hmm wierd things are coming out of my mouth right now:P) and then around 04.00 when we had danced and talked a bit we went to Sharlie roof and sat there for a hour or something...then they went home and we went to bed!!!!

And yesterday woke up around 13.00 and we cooked some food and then we went up to the roof and sat there all day around 19.00 it started to get chilly so we went down and then i had to go home:P...and when i came home i just went to bed a bit tired:P..

So thats what ive been up to:)..it was a great weekend...next weekend im working on friday cause my aunt and her husband arent here...on saturday im working until they are back and then its workout and birthday party for Pablo:)..its gone be so much fun to see everyone from the class again:)...and yeah in one week its Milencolin concert here:)..and im going YEAAAAHH its gone be great havent seen them in many many years:)
And on wednesday my sister will be here YAAY:)..thats gonna be so much fun party party party and a bit shopping i guess:P...if were not saving money:)
soo in about 25 minutes im going out in the sun to get som color and eat a bit then i have to go to lister platz to meet shayne and get a present from Hussein...:)..so sweet of him to buy me a present when he was home:)..
I was supposed to eat lunch with Shayne but there is so much food here so i have to eat that..but i think Shayne will understand..she is just happy if i come and join her i guess;)

So by see ya later!!


So im back in Germany again...and this time...it feels harder then ever...im totally exhausted....yesterday i feel asleep at 21.30 and didnt woke up until my aunt woke me up around 07.30...tired as hell I didnt have to take anyone to kindergarten today so i looked at a movie then i sleept an hour more...

I know i didnt sleep alot when i was in sweden but this tired?! i didnt think you could be that...and on the train back me and Shayne sleept almost the whole way!!

its warm here though...sun is shinig and yesterday it was about 25 degrees...i dont know how warm it is now cause i havent been out, but im going to the city in 30 min to meet Shayne and hopefully Varpu to get something to eat!!!

And tonight I have to work and then im going to sleep...my gosh...

And in two weeks my sister will be here!!

I should write about the time in sweden HAHAHA it was great..but i dont have the time or the energy right now...maybe next time!!


4 days to go

So in 4 days me and Shayne is taking the train to Hambrug then Kobenhagen and then we walk around there for a day:)..just look and stuff...and about 21.00 we are going to take the flight to Karlstad and HOOOME:D

Yaay cant wait its going to be so much fun:)..im going to meet so many friends and my family and my Star:)..And im going to Lindesberg to meet my lovely friends there:)..Like Sofia and my darling and plenty more:)baba ofcourse:)

So i havent done that much lately...its so warm over here so im running around in shorts and t.shirt and taning every day..:)..i sleep in the sun;P..soo maybe im a little bit browner then all of you when I come home:)
Yesterday and the day before we were out all day and its great it dosent get dark until 20.30...so were out til about 18.00 or something:)...
And today I woke up 07.40 a bit to late but my Uncle didnt say anything...then i didnt have to take my cousin to kindergarten so i could of sleept longer DARNIT....but im going to bed now for an hour or something then im going to the terass and lay down in the sun til i have to pick my cousins up from kindergarten...and tonight its workout:)...Yaay...:)

I dont know what to do this weekend...I think im going to Shayne tomorrow to pack a bit...and just hang out...and yeah dont know!

Oyeah me and Sharlie was out on wednesday..I sad that i had to go home early..:P..Yeah right try to go home early here:P...
So first we went to Dax to meet Björn ,his girlfriend, Marco, Robert and one of the crazy guys...that was funny...i drank two beers...so im still sober:)..And marko gave me a vodka redbull but i was still sober so it dosent count:p..around 01.00 we went with the bahn to Sharlies friends house...just like 20 min from me...we were there and just chilled with a few guys that were 16, 17 and 18 (i felt so old):P..At 02.00 i had to make panncakes for them:PMY GOOD....and at 03.00 we went home:p...ahahaa my good..on of the guys sad that he wanted me to come with him home ( i think his 18):P..and another one wanted my number:P..

We were home around 03.30 and then i sleept!!:P So yesterday was hard day...I went with M to kindergarten and then home to Sharlie (she sleept here since the bahn dosent go after 02.00 on weekdays)tehn we sleept a few hours more around 12.30  my phone called and then i was awake...we sat in the sun and ate a bit then we went to Bahnhof and ate ice cream..and i then i picked my cousin up!!

thats all folks im going to bed a bit now then its time for sun:D


Its you

Hey everyone....

Sitting here while my cousins aunt and there opa is out and playing fotball...I ahve no energy today to do anything so i didnt come...my head hurts and im tired...and its going to be a hard week for me so i just want to be alone and by my self tonight!!

Friday I was home all day i hanged out with my cousins yesterday to acctually...and i was at the gym and in the night me and Varpu rented movies and looked at them!! really good once too:)
"A walk to remember" i love that movie...and we saw it with german subtitle:P...its fun to read it!!
And today were going to rent more movies cause we saw so many movies that we would like to rent:)..So today i think it will be "meet joe black" and if the movie is in today "high school musical 3":)..

So tomorrow morning my aunt is leaving, shes going to Finland for a week:O..dont now how it will be here then:P..But there father comes home on tuesday so tomorrow its me Opa and the children:)..think it will go well!!
And on tuesday were going to swim:)...

Dont now what to write any more...oo yeah...i have a living hamster under my eye:P...or whatever you cal it...my eye is kind of jumping up and down all the time...I had it all week now and i sucks...i dont know what it is....might have to go to the doctor!!....

But a song you should listen to is....switchfoot - you....soooo good song!!!!!!!

Bye everyone....(coming home in 9 days:))

New day...Neues Tag..Ny dag

So its snowing....i hate this wetter...saturday it was so nice...and monday it was storm and yesterday it was ok..and now its snowing:(...and like the biggest snowflakes ever...

I went with my cousins to there kindergarten then i went to the gym and did my workout...home cleand a little bit and now im sitting here and listening to the best german song i ever heard...
"Heimfeld - Bring mich nach Hause"...great song....

well have nothing more to write...except that its probablywont be any USA for me this summer that sucks....

"I Love you"

Youn dont know how much I love you!
I love you
Das Leben hat einen ganz anderen Drive bekommen.
Jeder Tag ist ein Genuss.
Die kleinen Eigenheiten des anderen hat man in sein Herz geschlossen:
das Morgengemuffel under der Bettdecke, die kleinen Laster, der super coole Look.
Ein Blick in diese Augen...und man ist völlig willenlos.
Man hat nur noch Augen für eins: You are the sunshine of my life.
Die Luft knistert, schon ist der Kopf verdreht, die Knie werden weich.
Man könnte die ganze Nacht durchtanzen - never again lonely nights!
Um wieder einen klaren Kopf zu bekommen, hlift nur Abkühlung.
In Moment der Einsamkeit heult den Mond vom Himmel - where are you???
Beim nächsten Date könnte man abheben und knutscht den anderen nieder.
Es ist kaum zu glauben, wie atemlos der andere einen macht: Es gibt Momente, in denen man sich selbst nicht wieder erkennt: Man könnte sich sonst wo hinbeissen, weil man etwas vergessen hat, was dem anderen wichtig ist.
Wenn´s mal zofft, ist man total geknickt und super schlecht gelaunt, weil der andere sauer ist.
Darling I´m so sorry!
Nach zögerlichem Schmollen versöhnt man sich endlos bis tief in die Nacht,
Man könnte schreien vor Glück und vor lauter übermut gleich wieder ein bisschen rangeln... Love is in die air.
You drive me wild, baby!
Man neckt und lockt und flirtet... Do you feel my heart beating?
Was kümmern einen neidische Blicke!
What a wonderful world - yeahhhhhh ...
Only you - auch bis ans Ende dieser Welt!
It´s true, baby, I love you!

I love you

Spring is here

So today its been so warm...i got up at 09.00 and then me and my cousin went out to play football around elevn--it was so warm so i had to take my jacket of...my god:P...it was great

Then ive been sitting in the sun all day until i sat down here by the computer and now were going to eat and then im going to fitness Bauch workout today:D...and then tnight im meeting my class...and were having a party im not drinking though its been to much lately..!!

so i have nothing more to say.....i dont get my brain at all..or maybe its not my brain maybe its my heart it sucks...

but i did good on my test that i had this week:)

Hearing writing and listening everything was good=)..grammar was a bit hard 3 wrongs to much DARNIT...and then i have to talk on monday:)
hope i do fine..on monday its my last day in class YAAAY

have to eat now BYE

Elmerboy the best spoon the best friend

the love of my life my everything...left us today:(
Im so happy i wasent home to see it i dont know if i would of handle it...specially not sitting there while he was sleeping in....

He was the best dog in many ways he's been with me in almost my whole life....
and he sleept in my bed with me so many times...
and his been there when you been said..

i loved him so much

and its going to be awfull to go home when his not there

i miss you Elmer you are great

Another weekend past by

And now its sunday again....

Im sitting here listening to music and looking...i tihnk i will take some cake soon:D My aunt and cousins are at some friends house..!

Varpu woke me up this morning went to Lister platz and did some workout..and then i went home again no more outside today...im to lazy:P
Its been soo nice outside this weekend yesterday it was almost to warm to have a jacket on:D..how great isnt that?!

Me and Shayne were out yesterday but we were so tired so we went home prettyearly...but friday....OH MY GOOOOOD..what a night..

I was drinking a coke with the gym instructor I had so much fun and laught so much...then i came home and ran to the bahn to meet Sharly at Bahnhof...we went some where do drink a beer with her friends..and then we went to zaza cause Björn was there:)..roung 1.30 we went to meet shayne and her cousin and went to another club...Denise got drunk...really too...i dont remember anything from after 02.00  i think:P..so Shayne told me alot yesterday OMY..hahahaha...i accidently called people in the middle of the night (or morning 05.50) uuuu i will never have my phone with me when im drunk again:P..and at 08.00 we ate som BK and then we went home to Shayne all of us fell alseep in Sharlys bed...hahahahaha:P..my god...but it was fun i was really happy all day:)..and i had so much fun even though i dont remember so much:P

So now i will make som hot choclate and eat a bit cake!!its always gets a little bit crazy with theese two girls;P


So its sunday again...and tomorrow i have to work again:(...i dont feel like it im tired just totally exhausted...yesterday i was in bed all day until 19.00 and today i was in bed until my cousins came and told me that dinner was ready... im just so tired...and i dont really want to do anything i just want to be by my self and just relax...sleep and yeah be alone..im never alone here and i need to be alone now i think!!

So friday i was in Agostea with Björn and alot of people...i was sober...didnt even drink one beer or anything...And yesterday i was at Varpus birthday party...it was fun:)..I was sober again...and there were alot of people from all over the world..there was one girl from Singapore she was so cool I really liked her haha we laught so much...And then some guys from our class come...but i went home around 01.00 cause i was so tired...and i sleept til 13.00 today...blärk

I havent done anything more i guess..eating alot of candy and didnt do any workout...i will start my new life tomorrow more workout...less sugar...but i dont have the energy today..but tomorrow hopefully..
Me and Varpu are going to start runing in the woods here and she is coming with me to the gym and do some aerobics with me some days in the week:)..and then on thursdays we and Shayne are going to swim from now on:)..so its going to be easier for me cause i have someone to go with:)
it will be great,..and im thinking about maybe being sober until my sister comes her..thats like 2 months....i can do it...so we will se...maybe i dirnk next weekend but right now i dont feel like it i just want to have calm weekends with movies and stuff!!

Whats wrong with me?!

I miss Sweden....i want to come home...

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